Kathryn Shine
Committee Member
A/Prof Kathryn Shine is a leading journalism scholar and the Course Coordinator for the program at Curtin University. She is also editor of the Curtin Journalism news website, Western Independent.
Previously, Shine worked as a journalist for a range of media outlets including The Australian, The Sun Herald and The Eye news magazine.
Her research interests include the inclusion and portrayal of women in the news and the journalist/source relationship. She also has have a particular interest in news coverage of education and has regularly in this area including as co-author of Schoolteachers in the News (Cambria Press, 2013).
She is a member of the Journalism Education and Research Association of Australian (JERAA) and previously served on the JERAA national executive.
To learn more, visit https://staffportal.curtin.edu.au/staff/profile/view/kathryn-shine-5a3c76ba/